Jasper, Alabama Automobile Accident Attorney
Jasper, located in Northwest Alabama, considers itself a retail hub as well as a center for growing industrial development. The 26.9-square-mile city boasts some 14,000 residents and is the seat of Walker County. The last census recorded the household median income at about $42,000, and the median income for a family at $54,000.
Once ranked among the world’s leading producers of coal, Jasper is located in the middle of the Warrior Coal Fields—the second largest coal field in the nation. The city sits conveniently on the Bankhead Highway and the newly-formed Memphis to Atlanta thoroughfare, Highway 22. Residents and visitors enjoy a close proximity to Smith Lake, Bankhead National Forest and the Warrior River.
Jasper was settled in 1815 but not incorporated until 1887. Once home to the Alabama Central Railroad, which served to transport lumber and coal during the years of the steam engine, Jasper was named in honor of Revolutionary War hero Sgt. William Jasper. During the Civil War, Union troops heading to Selma burned the courthouse and several other buildings.
Jasper Automobile Accident StatisticsAccording to the Alabama Transportation Director, Jasper in 2013 witnessed 645 auto accidents, five of which resulted in death and 193 of which resulted in injury. Walker County recorded 1,569 auto accidents, including 20 deaths and 561 injuries. Numbers such as these prove that those who live in and travel through the Jasper area, as well as anywhere in Alabama, are subject to serious car accidents.
Should you be involved in a car accident, please be sure to first seek medical attention. This is not only important for your health, but it also provides important documentation should you decide to seek compensation for damages. Medical records will serve as an important piece of your claim. As soon as you have taken care of your medical needs, please contact the caring attorneys at Hollis, Wright & Clay, P.C. Our skilled and compassionate attorneys are ready to assist you in securing any compensation to which you may be entitled.
Getting Help From Trusted AttorneysCentrally and Conveniently located in Birmingham, our attorneys have a full and complete understanding as to what the laws of the State of Alabama indicate to be fair compensation in an automobile accident. Additionally, our attorneys are skilled at securing the maximum just compensation deemed appropriate by the law. You may be entitled to compensation for lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering and emotional distress. If you sustained a life-changing injury, you too are entitled to recover for damages. Experience Matters
Evaluating each auto accident in the most thorough manner, the attorneys at Hollis Wright spend considerable resources to ensure you or your family member receive the outcome and compensation you deserve. Serving our clients for 15 years and with more than 100 years of combined experience, we will aggressively fight on your behalf with care and compassion.
If you or a family member has been injured or killed in an auto accident, please contact us at 1-844-LAW-TALK or 205-324-3600 for a free and confidential consultation. We handle all cases on a contingency-fee basis, meaning we only receive payment if we successfully recover money for you.