Travelers Insurance Auto Accident Claims Attorneys in Alabama

Travelers Car Insurance, founded in 1853, has an extensive history as one of America’s oldest insurance companies. The company’s inception marked significant innovation in the insurance industry, initially focusing on providing accident insurance to railroad and steamboat travelers, which was a pioneering concept at the time. The goal was to provide insurance to an increasingly mobile American population. The company issued its first policies covering accidents specifically related to travel, a novel idea that quickly gained traction. After the advent of the automobile, Travelers was the first to capitalize on the growing number of car owners.

While the company has a storied history, Travelers Insurance currently has some notable drawbacks. One of the primary concerns is the mixed customer feedback regarding claims processing and customer service, with many customers reporting delays and less responsive service than expected. Many Travelers customers find that their premiums can be higher compared to other insurers. The quality of service seems to vary by region, leading to inconsistent customer experiences.

For the victim of a car accident caused by a driver with Travelers Insurance, these drawbacks are multiplied as far as having a favorable experience. If the company’s own customers have issues, you will certainly not receive great customer service or consideration when filing a claim against them. Because of this, and because large insurance companies are never on the side of the victim, you would be remiss not to hire an attorney to assist in your claim process. Insurance company adjusters, Travelers Insurance included, are trained to make every effort to award as little as possible to someone filing a claim against them.

If you or someone you love has been injured or killed by a driver who carries Travelers Insurance, be sure to call the Travelers Insurance auto claim attorneys at Hollis, Wright & Clay, P.C. We will work tirelessly to ensure you receive the financial compensation you deserve for your injuries and damages. Your consultation is FREE and CONFIDENTIAL; and we don’t get paid unless we recover damages for you. Contact via phone at 844.LAW.TALK or 205.324.3600 or online here.

How Will Travelers Insurance Avoid Payout?

Car insurance companies, including Travelers Insurance, have a financial incentive to minimize payouts. Giving someone injured by their customer, the at-fault party, a fair settlement for injuries only puts a dent in their financial gain and bottom line. For this reason, the adjusters often employ strategies to avoid paying the full amount owed after an accident. Don’t let large insurance companies take advantage of you! Be sure to contact us to handle your claim. Some tactics they may use are below:

  • Disputing Liability: The insurer might blame the victim and deny that the policy holder was at fault for the accident.
  • Question Damages: The insurer may offer a settlement significantly lower than the actual costs for damages and injuries. This is called lowballing.
  • Questioning Injuries: The insurer may question injuries, as well as property damage.
  • Delaying the Process: Insurers may repeatedly ask for more documents or information in an effort to prolong the claims process. They may also take a long time to respond to your inquiries to extend the process in hopes you’ll get tired of it and take a lower offer.
  • Using Policy Language: The insurer might cite specific exclusions in the policy to deny coverage for certain damages. They could interpret the policy terms narrowly to minimize the amount they have to pay.
  • Medical Treatment Disputes: Insurers may argue that certain treatments or medical procedures are not necessary or related to the accident. They may claim some injuries were pre-existing and not caused by the accident to avoid covering.
  • Requiring Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs): Insurers may require you to undergo an IME, in which the doctor may downplay the severity of your injuries, reducing the compensation for medical expenses and pain and suffering.
  • Pressuring for Quick Settlement: Insurers may offer quick settlements that are less than the full value of your claim, hoping you’ll accept the money quickly without understanding. An attorney will fight this on your behalf.
  • Misleading Statements: Adjusters may give misleading information about what is covered or how much you are entitled to receive.

Hiring the experienced Travelers Insurance auto claim attorneys at Hollis, Wright & Clay, P.C. will allow you to rest and recover while we fight these tactics on your behalf to ensure you receive maximum recovery.

Tough Legal Representation Here for You

When you hire us as your attorneys, we go to work immediately, handling all communications with the insurance company. We will expend significant resources—financial as well as man-power—to reconstruct your accident so that we know exactly what happened. Once we have a solid timeline of the events before, during, and after the accident, we will begin researching and requesting your medical records to get a full picture of your injuries. While we handle the insurance company, you can rest and recover from your injuries with full faith we are fighting for you in every way. A few basics steps we will take on your behalf are as follows.

  • We will conduct an initial consultation and evaluate your case.
  • We will gather and preserve all evidence, including the police report, witness statements, and medical records.
  • We will handle all communications with the insurance company, ensuring you don’t say anything to inadvertently incriminate yourself.
  • We will calculate the damages we believe you are entitled to receive.
  • We will make every effort to settle the claim with the insurance company. However, if they refuse to make a fair offer, we are fully prepared to go to trial on your behalf.
  • We will maximize your settlement and fight for you every step of the way.

An attorney’s expertise, negotiation skills, and knowledge of the legal system are crucial in ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve after an accident. By managing the complexities of the claim and fighting against unfair tactics, our attorneys can significantly improve your outcome in the claims.

Travelers Insurance Auto Accident Claim Attorneys Ready to Fight for You

If you or someone you love has been injured or killed in an accident involving an at-fault party with Travelers Insurance, be sure to contact us soon as possible after ensuring your initial medical needs are met. We are here to fight for you and be a part of your comeback story. We will be instrumental in securing fair compensation for you and your family. A car accident can have devastating effects on your mental wellbeing, your finances, your health, and your ability to work. Be sure to call the Travelers Insurance auto claim attorneys at Hollis, Wright & Clay, P.C. You can reach us via phone at 844.LAW.TALK or 205.324.3600 or online here.

Client Reviews
"I, along with dad and family, want to thank your law firm for all that you did for us in representing my dad in his case. We were very satisfied with the settlement and the overall efforts by your firm. We also think that you and your staff made the process seem calm and smooth, yet professional. We could not have asked for a better attorney -- we would recommend you and your firm to anyone needing your expertise. Thanks so much for everything!!!" D. Hayes and C. Griffin, Clay County, AL
"Mr. Clay, I want to express my gratitude to you for agreeing to take my case. I know that I contacted your law firm with a fast approaching statute of limitations and some really significant challenges in proving my case. Thanks for the time, work, research and energy that you put into my case and for helping achieve a successful outcome. Peace and blessings to you and your family." V. Daniel, Philadelphia, PA
"The team at Hollis Wright were there for my husband when no one else would take his case. Not only did he work hard and recover money that we were owed. Without the help of Hollis Wright, we couldn't have afforded the care my husband needed and I would have lost him much sooner. We'll always consider you a part of the family." Donna B. Jemison, AL